Shared room in Viale Piceno, Milano

Monthly total
€ 470
€ 420
Condominium fees
€ 50

Check here the payment summary!

Available from June 2024

This accommodation is temporarily occupied, but you can still afford to secure it as soon as it becomes available

Property is not available for visits at the moment

? m2

Ground floor

5 tenants

2 bathrooms

In the house you will find
Desk, wardrobe, washing machine, wifi
Tenants preferences
No preference


Monthly expenses

Monthly total
€ 470
€ 420
Condominium fees
€ 50
Consumption costs

Payment summary

When requesting a booking
€ 200
On booking acceptance
€ 270
First monthly total
€ 270

You will pay this entirely, but don't worry, the second month will only be charged proportionally to the day of check-in

On booking verification
€ 705
Service fee
€ 705

We only charge you a one-time commission (150% of the first monthly total) to ensure our customers always safe and reliable properties

Two days before check-in
€ 1410
€ 1410

This is the security deposit (3 monthly total) that will be safe with ZappyRent. At the end of the contract, this amount will be returned to you if the house is in accordance with the conditions previously agreed.

*The cost of Tari is not included in the rent price and will be added in the contract


Available from
Minimum period rent
6 months
Notice period
3 months in advance

More info

COSTI APERTURA CONTRATTO:Tassa di registrazione contratto: dai 40 ai 60 per posti letto in doppiadai 70 a 90 per stanze singoleMarca da bollo: fissa euro 16,00COSTI CHIUSURA CONTRATTO:Euro 150,00 fissi per tassa di scioglimento (67,00 euro), pulizie ad inizio permanenza, corredo letto, fondo ammortamento per imbiancaturaConguaglio utenze (differenza tra ciò che pagando di utenze mensili e ciò che hanno speso realmente)CONTRACT OPENING COSTS:Contract registration fee:from 40€ to 60€ for double bedsfrom 70€ to 90€ for single roomsStamp tax: € 16.00CONTRACT CLOSING COSTS:€150.00 fixed for dissolution fee (€ 67.00), cleaning at the beginning of the stay, bed set, amortization fund for whitening.Balance bills (difference between what you pay for monthly bills and what they really spent).

How to rent

Plan a visit
Make an offer to the landlord
Book accommodation without surprises or additional costs

Frequentely asked questions

What do you need to rent?
We will evaluate your creditworthness profile. You will be asked to upload some tax documents (i.e payslips and bank statements) to prove that you are able to pay the rent regularly. In order to reach the merit share you can add up to 4 guarantors.
How is the merit share reached?
  • Your income should be at least 2.5 times the rent indicated
  • Everyone can have up to 4 guarantors
  • The guarantors will contribute to reach the 2.5x aforementioned

Why Zappyrent

Rent without depending on anyone
Plan a visit to the accommodation for free and when you prefer
Negotiate the rent with the landlord
The landlord is available to negotiate the rent
No surprises or additional costs
We've already told you everything that you will have to pay, no surprise fees
Monthly total
€ 470
€ 420
Condominium fees
€ 50

Check here the payment summary!

Available from June 2024

This accommodation is temporarily occupied, but you can still afford to secure it as soon as it becomes available

Property is not available for visits at the moment